reappoint judge roy moore

How Conservative is your Alabama Congressman?

There have been four very important votes in the U.S. House of Representatives this year.  We have recorded the votes of our Congressional Delegation on these four key votes and a brief explanation of each follows:

  • Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users - A historic and record breaking "pork" bill with over 5,000 "special projects." One of the most "pork" laden pieces of legislation ever passed by Congress. A Conservative vote would have been to recommit this bill to committee to remove excess and irresponsible government spending.
  • National ID Act - establishes a defacto national id under the guise of being anti-immigration. A Conservative vote would have opposed this intrusion of the federal government into the area of State issued drivers license. The place to stop illegal immigration is at the border, not your local driver license office.
  • Patriot Act extension - Some questionable sections concerning basic God given rights that are supposed to be protected by the Constitution. Basic rights of citizens are placed at risk by this legislation.
  • CAFTA - The next step in a continuing series of Expensive Trade Agreements, misnamed "Free Trade Agreements" - continuing the erosion of our countries manufacturing base and will further the deterioration of our international trade position and will foster increased illegal immigration.

The following table is a summary of the voting record of the Alabama Congressional Delegation on the key votes on each of these issues. Note that on the selected vote for the Transportation Bill Representative Davis was listed as "not voting." By a surprising 8 - 1 margin the Alabama Congressional delegation has provided overwhelming support for these four pieces of legislation.

Some of the votes documented below are not what conservatives expected and do not match the public position stated by some of the Representatives. By all accounts there was extreme pressure and lobbying in an effort to undermine conservative positions on each of these issues. Much of the pressure and lobbying came from two sources; Multi-National Corporate interests and to the disappointment of many, the Bush Administration.

In our opinion it is very important for conservatives to understand the pressure being applied to our Congressional delegation and to encourage them to stand firm in the future. Many of these votes are disappointing, in fact are a slap in the face for conservatives and we need to remind our delegation that this not what we put them in office for.

  Yes Votes No Votes Not Voting
Republican 19 0 1
Democratic 5 3 0
Total 24 3 1

The table below lists each Congressional Representative and how they voted on each of these four issues. The first column provides a link to contact information for each Representative. The links at the bottom of the table provide links to the official Clerk of The House Roll Call Votes.

When you contact your Representative, be firm and polite but let them know that we expect better in the future.

Member Name National ID
Patriot Act
Bill (note 1)
Jo Bonner (R - 01) FOR FOR FOR FOR
Terry Everett (R - 02) FOR FOR FOR FOR
Mike Rogers (R - 03) FOR FOR FOR (no vote)
Robert B. Aderholt (R - 04) FOR FOR FOR FOR
Robert E. (Bud) Cramer, Jr. (D - 05) FOR FOR AGAINST AGAINST
Spencer Bachus (R - 06) FOR FOR FOR FOR
Artur Davis (D - 07) FOR FOR AGAINST FOR
FINAL VOTE RESULTS FOR National ID Act ROLL CALL 031 click here for House Clerk page
FINAL VOTE RESULTS FOR Patriot Act ROLL CALL 414 click here for House Clerk page
FINAL VOTE RESULTS FOR CAFTA ROLL CALL 443 click here for House Clerk page
FINAL VOTE RESULTS FOR Transportation Act recommit to committee ROLL CALL 64, click here for House Clerk page

Note 1: This roll call was a vote to recommit the bill to committee, rather than a vote for passage and is considered the key vote. So on the roll call, a vote for the pork is listed as the NOES and a vote against the pork is listed as the AYES.

conservative news

1 Timothy 2: 1-3

1. I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

2. For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

3. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;

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    reappoint judge roy moore