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JUST SAY NO TO CAFTA CAFTA will export good jobs. CAFTA will legalize more open border immigration. Tell Your Members of Congress to vote NO on CAFTA! The House of Representatives will soon vote on the Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) with Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic. CAFTA is a dangerous power grab that threatens our national sovereignty. It cannot be amended. What you won't hear about CAFTA � CAFTA is only the beginning. The Senate Republican Policy Committee policy paper admits that CAFTA's purpose is "integrating more closely with 34 hemispheric neighbors-thus furthering the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA)." Americans do not want to be "integrated" with the poverty, corruption, and Communism of our hemispheric neighbors! � CAFTA will put the U.S. under another anti-American international tribunal. CAFTA includes hundreds of pages of grants of vague authority to foreign tribunals. The World Trade Organization has already ruled against the U.S. in 24 costly cases and even had the nerve to outlaw Utah's gambling ban. A NAFTA tribunal opened our highways to Mexican trucks even though they don't comply with U.S. laws. � CAFTA would prohibit states from giving any preference to contractors in their state. Any Central American country could file a complaint. � Under CAFTA, state legislatures would relinquish their right to regulate utilities, land use, and taxpayer-funded contracts. It forces us to use the "least trade restrictive" regulation and change our laws so they are "no more burdensome than necessary." Activist judges can make that language cover anything they want. � CAFTA will not give us customers for U.S. goods. The total wealth of the six countries in the agreement is about the same as New Haven, Connecticut. Half their population lives below the poverty line. � The real purpose of CAFTA is "round-trip trade." This allows multinational corporations to exploit the abundance of cheap labor and the scarcity of taxes and safety regulations in CAFTA countries. CAFTA will increase our job-killing U.S. trade deficit and further weaken our already suffering dollar. Call the U.S. Capitol switchboard and ask for your Congressman by name at: 1-202-224-3121. A VERY CLOSE VOTE, YOUR PHONE CALL COULD MAKE THE DIFFERENCE. See also http://www.thelibertycommittee.org/. Contact your Congressmen: Congressman Spencer Bachus. He says he plans to vote "Yes" for CAFTA
Congressman Mike Rogers, says he is voting "Yes"
Congressman Bud Cramer, is uncommitted on CAFTA
Congressman Jo Bonner is leaning toward a "No" vote.
Congressman Terry Everett
Congressman Robert Aderholt is leaning "No"
Congressman Artur Davis
Deuteronomy 4:40
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