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June 1, 2005 - Current Christian News, and Public School SBC Resolution

 'Investigate Homosexual Influence in Public Schools' asks Southern Baptist

'Investigate Homosexual Influence in Public Schools' asks Southern Baptist Convention Resolution New resolution submitted at 2005 annual meeting of Southern Baptist Convention may lead to exodus from public schools.

To: National Desk, Education Reporter, Feature Reporter

COLUMBIA, SC, May 9 /Christian Wire Service/ -- Under the guise of promoting tolerance, safety, diversity, and multiculturalism, a growing number of government schools are influencing our children to regard homosexuality as an acceptable lifestyle and silencing those within the schools who disagree.

Additional information, including the text of the resolution, can be found at

To schedule an interview with Dr. Voddie Baucham, Jr. or Bruce Shortt, call Creative Resources, 800.858.9388,

Date: 2005/05/09 Mon PM 02:39:54 EDT

The preceding was forwarded to you by the Christian Communication Network. You can always find the latest press releases at

Christian Communication Network
2020 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington DC 20006


Read carefully the news release below about the effort of Drs. Bruce Shortt and Voddie Baucham who are associates and/ or supporters of our ministry. Go to the Press Room on our web page at to read the text of their resolution offered to the SBC Convention for their June 21-22 Annual meeting. You will also find supporting links and articles in the Press Room. This has already become a national news story with articles on WorldNetDaily.COM and in numerous daily newspapers around the USA.


1. Letters to the Editor or Opinion Editorials by you should be offered to your local paper ASAP. Anti Gambling

2. Participate in any local or national call-in Christian or secular talk shows on behalf of the resolution and the sentiments it represents.

3. Circulate this message to your e-mail list, family, friends and pastor. We would especially hope that you would contact any pastors or friends in the SBC Convention about your support and forward this message to them. Write SBC Resolutions Committee about your support. Contact info at Press Room on our web page.

4. Your strong prayers and advocacy in any church or public forums would be appreciated.

In His grip,
E. Ray Moore, Jr
Chaplain (Lt. Col.) USAR Ret
PO Box 12072
Columbia, SC 29211
tele (803) 714-1744

please send all replies to email subscription information on

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Life Chain

Pro-Life Witness in your community. Join over 1,000 cities and communities with a pro-life witness that "Abortion Kills Children ", but Jesus heals and forgives. For more information visit:

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Stop Gay Days at Disney.

Consider not buying Disney products, most of their movies made in past 20 years promotes liberal political correctness. Christian Action Network lobbies Disney to stop pro-Homosexual sponsorship. Boycott Disney. Not only is the Disney company supporting the Homosexual agenda, most of their recent movies have been promoting the liberal political correct agenda. Furthermore, the theme park now heavily promotes political correctness and almost every presentation. Constant promotion of civil rights, mother earth environment, multi-culture tolarance, etc.

Visit: Stop Gay days or

reappoint judge roy moore

Procter and Gamble.

Procter and Gamble has a history of promoting the Homosexual agenda, even contributing money. Join the boycott, buy cheap brands of detergent, don't buy Tide or Crest Toothpaste. Learn more and also see petition to Procter and Gamble.

reappoint judge roy moore

The Senate will soon have an up and down vote on Liberal Judge Judas Bill Pryor.

Please call our senators and tell them to vote no on a man that thinks that the rule of law is a judges opinion! A man who would not keep his word to Governor Fob James to support the 10K and Judge Moore. A man who made video gambling possible with his ruling on the Chucky Cheese law. A man who allowed the schools to be used as campaign headquarters for the vote on the school tax increase. A man who ruled that a private black college was a state school so that they would be eligible for state funding. A man who violated the law when he a defense lawyer for Judge Moore became the prosecution to get a federal judgeship. A man who 5 times voted for Terry Schiavo to be starved to death. A man who has said that Roe V Wade is the law of the land and he would enforce it! A man who 3 times asked Judge Moore if he put him back in office would he continue to acknowledge God! Of course Judge Moore said he would acknowledge God and Pryor had him removed from office. There will be many more rulings like this from Judas Bill Pryor in the next forty years as he is only 43 years of age. Documentation of the liberalism of Bill Pryor can be found at:

Call Senator Jeff Sessions at 202 224-4124

Call Senator Richard Shelby at 202 224-5744

For other senators call the Capitol switchboard at

202 -224-3121

Sign Petition to Congress to resend nomination of Bill Pryor

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Conservative Conference, Montgomery June 3,4

Council of Conservative Citizens, Annual Conference, June 3,4 Montgomery, Alabama. Featuring George Wallace, Jr. as a speaker


Friday & Saturday, June 3 & 4, 2005 Montgomery, Alabama

The Council of Conservative Citizens* (CofCC) cordially invites you to participate in the 2005 national Conference. Feel free to bring guests of like-mind.

Place: GuestHouse Hotel & Suites
120 Madison Avenue, Montgomery, Alabama

The conference starts on Friday, June 3 at 1:00 p.m., and lasts through Saturday, June 4 at 5:00 p.m. Price is $30 per person and $50 per couple (includes luncheon banquet on Saturday). Or $10 for sessions of both days, Friday and Saturday, without the banquet. To attend, send in the Meeting Registration Form (see: or send name and address with registration fee to:

P.O. Box 221683
St. Louis, MO 63122

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