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Conservative News, Boycott Target,
Patriot Act Boycott Target, for being unfriendly to Christians and supportive of Gays. Target has many anti-Christian Policies: a. Bans Salvation Army Bell Ringers b. Target contributes money to Pro-Homosexual groups c. Target one of the first to promote the politically correct "Happy Holidays". Read these articles about Target, and read about the Boycott promoted by the American Family Association and the National Clergy Council at: http://tencommandments.faithweb.com/Keep-Christ-in-Christmas.html
Keep Christmas Alive Bumper Stickers, and info about what the politically correct are doing to our traditional holidays at: http://tencommandments.faithweb.com/Keep-Christ-in-Christmas.html
Patriot Act Stalls. This act will deny your Constitutional Liberty. WASHINGTON -- A near-agreement to extend the controversial Patriot Act was blocked Friday by an odd-bedfellows coalition of liberals and conservatives who protested that it did too little to protect Americans' civil liberties. The Patriot Act, which gives law-enforcement officials significant power to wiretap and search suspects in the United States, was Congress' main response to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. But critics have always complained about the powers it gives police to invade the privacy of citizens, including the right to examine library records and search homes without residents knowing it. As a result of such continuing concerns, an unusual coalition of Republicans and Democrats in the Senate and House was sufficiently upset at the latest proposed revisions in the Patriot Act that leaders Friday agreed to drop the immediate consideration of it, partly to avoid a threatened filibuster in the Senate over the weekend. Congressional leaders still plan to finalize reauthorization of the Patriot Act by year's end, but the delay was a disappointment to the White House and at least a temporary victory for civil libertarians on the right and left. http://www.covenantnews.com/newswire/archives/016394.html
Dangers of the Patriot Act. This act will allow the Federal Government to spy on you. If Hilary Clinton were President, this act would allow the Federal Government to check on you, may be even prosecute you for promoting "hate" against homosexuals. Hear Chuck Baldwin interviews former Congressman Bob Barr. http://www.chuckbaldwinlive.com/Interview_Barr.html
What Conservative Republican Party? Conservative party? What conservative party? Yes, Republicans say that theirs is America's conservative party, but the case grows steadily more difficult to make. The greatest problem of our day is the monumental invasion of our country by illegal aliens, and the "conservative" party stands idly by watching it happen. But put aside this point for a moment and just look at the Republicans' fiscal behavior. The liberal Democrat Bill Clinton left office with a $236 billion surplus, and under alleged conservative Republican George Bush that has been converted to a $400 billion deficit last year. Since Bush took office, spending has risen 33 percent, which is a larger increase than occurred in all of the eight years of Clinton's presidency. A part of the increase is the new billions given to the Department of Education, a useless, intrusive bureaucracy which just a few election cycles ago was marked for abolition by the Republican Party platform. Now billions are being poured in under the "No Child Left Behind" program in a cynical sham based on the hopeless ideal of achieving academic equality for all students regardless of ability. And looming up is the new prescription drug program. It is being added on top of a Social Security and Medicare program that is already doomed to bankruptcy based on present trends. In his radio address this weekend the president gleefully urged seniors to quickly sign up to this gargantuan new social program that even Lyndon Johnson never proposed. It will add trillions of dollars to the burden we will leave to our children and to their children. It is abjectly unfair to our posterity. All of this reckless fiscal irresponsibility, remember, is being with a Republican in the White House, and control of both houses of Congress. http://suppressednews.com/mynews/news/EEFEAppkEEHttudnjw.shtml
No Social Security Left for you. As a result of Congressional spending going out of control, and the Federal Debt going sky high, the dollars will be spent and the Social Security surplus has been borrowed, that means in a short time there will no money be left to pay your Social Security check. If you don't have other means to support your self in your old age, don't count on Social Security, there is no money left in the trough to send to you for your monthly check.
Liberal Republicans appear to be in control. Karl Rowe and the liberal wing of the Republican Party appears to be in control of White House policy. As Congressman Mike Pence found out, he stood up against bad legislation and reckless spending, and he was chastised by the powers that be. Perhaps your congressman has also failed to vote right, as if he does not, his favorite road project in the district may be with held.
What you need to do. Confront your Congressman face-to-face. Hold him accountable for bad legislation from the Patriot Act, lack of pro life legislation, and reckless spending. When Clinton was President, our Republican Congress passed many pro-life bills to the President. Clinton vetoed them all. Why can't this Republican Congress introduce and vote on any pro life legislation? Is it because of threats from the liberal wing of the White House, threats to stop road projects? Ask you congressman straight in the eye, and ask "Why?". The Capital Switchboard number is 202-224-3121
Have you personally contacted your Congressman, and asked him to do something about the spiritual problems facing America? Have you prayed for him? 1 Timothy 2: 1-3 1. I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 2. For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 3. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
Jay Sekulow has recently shocked conservatives by his promotion of liberal pro-choice Republicans, including Arlen Spector and Alberto Gonzales. A major concern now to many conservatives is what does he do with millions of dollars that he raises. The Legal Times has unturned interesting information on financial empire that generates millions of dollars a year and supports a lavish lifestyle — complete with multiple homes, chauffeur-driven cars. Before donating to Jay Sekulow or Pat Robertson, you may wish to read this article by the Legal Times. http://spofga.org/ten_commandments/2005/nov/jay_sekulow.php
Christian T Shirts make a great Christmas present. |
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