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Recommended Conservative Birmingham Candidates - Tuesday November 1

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Elect Conservatives to the Birmingham City Council, on Tuesday November 1.

Conservative Candidates, recommended by Alabama Defenders

District 1. Joel Montgomery

District 2. Carol Reynolds

District 4. Maxine Herring Parker

District 5. Elias Hendricks

District 8. Gerri Robinson

District 9. No Endorsement

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Birmingham School Board.

District 1. Jody Trautwein

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Alabama Tea Party

To Read a recap of the Tea Party, see pictures of the party go to:

October 15, 2005, BJCC 2-4 p.m. Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex.

Download the TEA PARTY announcement flyer then, copy it and send it to everyone you know + feel free to reproduce it, photocopy it and distribute as many copies as you can from now until the day of the meeting. This is your chance to let the political class know you have had it with being ignored and being forced to pay welfare benefits for non-citizens and you have had it with Americans, born or naturalized, losing their jobs and opportunities to illegal aliens who will work for slave wages knowing the American welfare system will fill in their economic gaps ...

Let them know you will not stand still for having your property rights violated with their selfish, self-serving eminent domain crap ...

IF you will help put thousands of people in the Birmingham Civic Center on October 15th to protest the illegal alien invasion and theft of your property rights by making sure the room is overflowing, the elitists in the political class will crumble before your eyes and be forced to act.

Do Not Allow Them To Ignore Your Will for Another Day! PLEASE DO THIS


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