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Christian News from Defenders of the Constitution - June 11, 2005

Southern Baptist to consider resolution to protect our children from pro-homosexual agenda in public schools.

Will Southern Baptists protect children from pro-homosexual U.S. schools?
by Linda Harvey (*)
from _WorldNetDaily.com_, May 27, 2005

At about the same time John F. Kennedy was winning the presidency, I was learning my first Bible verses at a picturesque church in north Florida. I'm not a Baptist now, but I credit that early education with giving me a foundation that years exploring other paths couldn't eradicate. Eventually, I reclaimed my Christian roots and, in doing so, opened my eyes to the world as it really is. What a revelation.

Click here for entire article.

 Christian Education Awareness Network (CEANet)
Information distributed by CEAN  Message 1744

Related Links: 

Exodus Mandate Project:
2004 and 2005 SBC Education Resolutions:
Get The Kids Out:

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Liberal Judge Bill Pryor approved by the Senate. 

Another liberal judicial activist added to the court. How liberal was Bill Pryor? As the Alabama Attorney General and as a Federal Judge with a recess appointment, he his liberal record was damaging to the conservative cause and he came under fire from many conservative organizations. Former Governor Fob James, a proven conservative, regretted that he appointed Bill Pryor, to the vacant slot of Attorney General. See and

The Conservative Caucus documents many harmful actions and liberal rulings issued by Alabama Attorney General Bill Pryor

The following groups also documented the liberalism of Bill Pryor: Chuck Baldwin Live:

Restoring America

Quotes from Retaking America:

One of his (Pryor) most recent deeds is voting to continue the government forced killing of Terri Schiavo. He had the opportunity to save her 5 times yet he allowed her murder.

Pryor was the ring leader in the removal of Alabama's 10 Commandments monument and the attacks on Chief Justice Roy Moore.  As Attorney General, he was the lead prosecutor in the ethics trial where he asked the court to remove Chief Moore.  This was a 180 degree turn from his pervious promises to support the public display of the Ten Commandments and support Moore in his battle with the ACLU.   Before Pryor's Judas betrayal, he was the lead speaker at a 10 Commandment rally in Alabama with about 30,000 in attendance.  In his speech he claimed that the reason he went to law school was to try to stop judicial tyranny.

As Attorney General, Bill Pryor encouraged the spread of gambling in Alabama even though our Constitution prohibits all forms of gambling.  He aided and abetted pedophile priests here in Alabama by allowing the law to have a big hole so that priests and bishops could continue the secrecy of abuse. Pryor is Catholic. While Attorney General, Pryor had the opportunity to stop child pornography being sold at Barnes and Nobles.  He did nothing. Pryor now claims that he will uphold Roe v. Wade even though it is not constitutional.

More documentation on Bill Pryor found at:

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Jay Sekulow  support of liberals.

John Lofton Challenges Jay Sekulow for his support of liberals.

Quisling Jay Sekulow supports Specter

Jay Sekulow's betrayal

More on Jay Sekulow, he does not line up with other true conservatives

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True conservative groups opposed Bill Pryor. 

Several several neo-conservatives came under fire from the Christian Right for supporting Bill Pryor, Senator Arlene Spector, and Alberto Gonzales. Jay Sekulow and Pat Robertson, you caused a lot of confusion by saying nice things about liberal Bill Pryor, and Spector, and Gonzales. You can tell a true conservative by who he supports:

You may wish to leave a message for Jay Sekulow and encourage him to get back on the conservative track 1-757-226-2489 Radio call-in 1-800-684-3110 Try to reason with his staff or encourage them to get another job. Leave a message for Pat Roberson at  1 (800) 759-0700.

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Life Chain

Pro-Life Witness in your community. Join over 1,000 cities and communities with a pro-life witness that "Abortion Kills Children ", but Jesus heals and forgives. For more information visit: or

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Featured Links

1.  June is Gay Days at Disney.

Consider not buying Disney products, most of their movies made in past 20 years promotes liberal political correctness. Christian Action Network lobbies Disney to stop pro-Homosexual sponsorship. Boycott Disney. Not only is the Disney company supporting the Homosexual agenda, most of their recent movies have been promoting the liberal political correct agenda. Furthermore, the theme park now heavily promotes political correctness and almost every presentation. Constant promotion of civil rights, mother earth environment, multi-culture tolerance, etc. Visit: Stop Gay days or

2.  Procter and Gamble.

Procter and Gamble has a history of promoting the Homosexual agenda, even contributing money. Join the boycott, buy cheap brands of detergent, don't buy Tide or Crest Toothpaste. Learn more and also see petition to Procter and Gamble.

3.  Considering Home schooling or a Christian School?  Is your child worth the expense of saving him from the problems of public schools? Many

parents after several years of public school wonder what they could have done to have prevented bad attitudes and rebellion in their teenager.  ,
Chief Justice Roy Moore

4.  Custom Made T-shirts for Vacation Bible School or church youth groups:

5.  Pro-Life or Christian T-Shirts, hundreds of choices:

6.  Facts about Islam, that everyone should know:

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